Sunday, February 28, 2010

São Paulo

I'm now sitting on the floor in the São Paulo airport.
This is what I'm doing right now. Talking to goobers.
This is what I've lugged around for the past few hours. The South African Airways place only opened at 1:30. 

My flight to Johannesburg leaves at 5:30. Thanks for all your prayers! So far everything has been great!


  1. yay!!!! i miss you!! love ans

  2. Bronwyn, I hope your travels to Africa are safe and uneventful! I can't believe the time is already here for you to have this adventure. What an incredible time this will be for you. Praying for you and keeping up on this blog (even if I don't post very often).
    jenny rich

  3. Bonni Oi!
    Como foi de viagem? Espero que tenha cido muito bem, já estou com saudades .. hehehe
    Saiba que estarei orando por ti, e pelas mulheres ai em Ruanda.
    Mil beijos, Fran!
