Saturday, February 27, 2010

Okay, so I leave home tomorrow. I'll get to Rwanda Monday night. I don't really have time to be blogging right now, but I didn't want to leave you without my beautiful words for that long. (haha).

I'm almost done with packing... I just have to pack my passport, ticket, stuff like that. That's not all that important, right?

Last night, I got a surprise party! I had no idea, really. Mom and Ans planned it. Also, Dad took me out of the house for 5 hours and stalled so they could set everything up. Thank you so much! My friends showed up... some of them even came back from the beach just for the party. I seriously have the best friends ever.

 I have one suitcase almost completely full of fabric. That is A LOT of fabric!

In preparation for my trip, I burned my forehead with a hair straightener, I got an infection on the outside part of my ear, I gave myself an accidental hickey with a nerf dart (SWEET!), I banged my forehead on the closet. All this to add to my normal loveliness, so I'm looking good!

Michael and Chelsey, I took your advice on packing... thanks!

I really wish I could put pictures on here, but I have to go finish packing!

1 comment:

  1. Have fun on your trip, Bronwyn! I spent a semester of college in Italy. I was not nearly as excited as you - did not want to leave home, did not want to go live with a bunch of strangers for three months, etc - and God still used that trip to bless my life tremendously even with my not-so-helpful attitude. :) And, five years later, I still miss it and still wish I could go back! I know you'll have an awesome time. Happy packing!
