Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Just 4 more days...

It's hard for me to believe that I leave for Rwanda on Sunday. I'm not really nervous or scared... but I do get butterflies in my stomach every time I think about it. It's a good thing I have SO much to do... I never really have much time to stop and think about it. It's funny...I've been planning for this for at least 2 years, probably 3. But it's always been something in the distance... a year, 8 months, 2 months. Now it's here. This past year and especially these last few months have gone by so fast!!

I have a list of stuff to take that is a whole page in my notebook, front and back with 2 columns on each side. CRAZY! It's so hard to plan your life for 2 months. Especially when you share most of your stuff. For example: Today in the pharmacy, I had no idea how much shampoo to buy. I've never had my own shampoo... I share a shower with 4 other people. Mom and I share a bunch of our clothes. Ans too. It's hard to separate what I should take. I keep thinking of things I'll need... little but important things. 

That's all. I just thought you should know these important things. I didn't know if I had said the exact date I would be leaving, so... now you know!

Also, can anyone see the food in my teeth in the picture? Awesome.


  1. you will get everything together, trust me! and i cant find the food in your teeth, i think you made that up... haha love ans

  2. I know exactly ehat you mean!! It's really hard to think about what all your going to need. Especialy all the little things you use daily and never really think about. I can't even tell you how many things I bought in Brazil! You'll be fine I promise!!!

  3. Hey! I know exactly how you feel. Been there many times. I will remember you on Sunday. While you are getting on a plane we will be at church in Dallas, interviewing for a job. Please pray about that if you remember. A cool thing is that if we move there it would be easy for you to visit on a weekend if you would like - I know of one girl from that church who will be a freshman at ACU in the fall.

    Peace to you,

  4. So this is what I learned from packing for being in Brazil for 6 weeks:
    -Pack everything on that huge list.
    -Once it's packed go back and take out one of everything. (Like pair of shoes, pants, shirt, etc.)
    -Keep a journal while you're there as often as you have time (that's not really related to packing)
    So that's just a little advice..take it or leave it. No, really...take it or leave it because #1 I'm a shoe girl, you might not be (so i ended up not wearing two pairs of shoes I brought to Brazil) #2 You're going to Rwanda not Brasil!

    And last, but not prayer for you is that your heart and the heart of the people in Rwanda be prepared for change.
    Something I expected going into Brazil was to be a positive influence in people's lives, but I NEVER imagined (despite a few people trying to tell me this would happen) how much my life would be changed and how much the people continue to affect my life in SO many positive ways. So I pray that for you as well :)

    Have fun!!
