Thursday, April 8, 2010


This morning we are leaving to go on a camping trip to Akagera National Park. Louise is staying home and we have one more dad and son going with us, so I get to spend lots of time with 7 boys. Does anyone have a gas mask?

We will get home on Saturday, but I'll leave again on Sunday to go on a gorilla trek. I know that when you hear "gorilla trek" you don't think of the coolest thing in the world. But it's supposed to be really cool. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures.

So, since I'll be gone pretty much from Thursday to Tuesday, Mom sent me an e-mail asking me to leave posts ready for you guyses (all 3 of you). During the week, I'll be posting mainly pictures with explanations. Yipee!


  1. I don't know who you think your targt audience is but the first thing I think when you say gorilla trek is AWESOME. I'm def jealous of that one! Stay safe!!!

  2. Here's what I think about....that movie with the huge gorilla and he grabs the girl and holds her up in the air. In a loving way. What was that movie?! Joe, or something like that
