Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My New Job

Today, I had a meeting with the nuns across the street. They run a preschool/kindergarden. Some of the american kids go there. One of our friends, Kristin, had already talked to the nuns about me going to help them. The nuns said "Ehh.... we'll think about it." Sounds a little bit like a no to me.

Yesterday, Kristen called and said the nuns wanted me to go there to help them with their English pronunciation. So, at 3, I showed up at the school. They immediately took me to meet the Brazilian nun that lives there. She acted like I was her long lost sister. I think she was so happy to have someone speaking her language. We are even from the same state!

After that the head nun, Mama Teodozi, took me to meet the teachers. They were all in one room grading papers and preparing the next day's lesson. There were 6 different teachers. They asked me to sit in the teachers chair (which was so much higher than the little kids chairs they were sitting on) and introduced themselves. The next part of the conversation went something like this:

"What do you give to our school?"
"I'm sorry... I didn't understand the question."
"We wanted to know what you can offer our school."
"Umm, I don't know. English?! I taught English for about 6 months last year."
"Okay, starting tomorrow you come every day. Tomorrow you just observe and then you start to teach songs and dances and words and games in English. Okay? Okay."
"Um, okay I guess."
"And then, after school, you come here to discuss all problems you see in our school."
"Um, okay."
"And you can help the teachers teach all their classes."
"Thank you so much for everything you do for us."
"Um, okay. Thank you."

It must have been my extraordinary use of the English language or my professional looking clothes or my lovely resume. Whatever it was, I seem to have a new job!


  1. Haha this is awesome. I hope my interviews are like that! Keep up the good work and the blogging :)


  2. Sweet! I have a picture of how that went in my mind's eye. Wish I could have been there to see it in person.

    We're proud of you and it's cool to see the doors God is opening up for you.

    The blessings will flow all ways between you, the nuns and the kids. And you even get to speak Portuguese. Cool.

    Love you,


  3. Coisa horrível!!!! Mas isso é tudo pra "testar", vai firme porque tu tens MUITO mais a ensinar nesta escola e na vida destas pessoas. Com teu jeitinho todo especial Bonny de ser, logo logo tu não vais mais querer sair daí. Mas é pra ti voltar viu? Não vai fzer como a Katie.... Boa sorte. Saudades, Auri

  4. God puts you where He wants you! Don't argue. Just say "okay".
