Thursday, March 18, 2010

First Week

So, as you all know, I have a new job! I go to school every morning at 7:30 and come back at 12:15. Then, I go back to school at 2:30 and leave around 4:30.

In the mornings, we have school (duh). There are around 150 kids under the age of 6. It's nuts. Every day I go in a new classroom and help the teacher of that classroom (1 teacher for around 40 students). They learn stuff in English, have a snack, have a Bible study, sing songs, have recess, etc. It goes by pretty fast.

In the afternoons, only the teachers are at school. I go to pretty much do whatever they ask. Yesterday I wrote 40 tests for one class and today I colored (yipee!). I'm a good colorer (haha). I think they like having me there because I do stuff that they don't like doing and they get to go home earlier. 

I like both parts. I love being with the kids, but it makes me tired. Kinyarwanda makes my brain hurt. It's frustrating to me not being able to understand. Today the teachers gave me a "teacher smock" which is what all the teachers wear. The kids immediately began tattling on each other to me in Kinyarwanda. And expecting me to do something about it. I just kind of smiled and tried to occupy them with other stuff.  

Here is a video of the kids singing before they go to there classes. In the first part, they say "We are sleeping sleeping, we are sleeping in the ...........". Whoever can fill in that blank gets a prize. I can only hear something between microphone and rightophone. Seeing as how neither of those make sense, I'm open to suggestions. Any help?

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