Monday, February 15, 2010

- Dad blogged about our Valentine's Day weekend. Check it out over there! ---------->

- Yesterday Mom and I spent the whole afternoon getting our hair done at our neighbor's house. I got mine cut and she got hers colored.

- Today we're going to see Invictus. I'm going to spend 2 nights in South Africa on my way back from Rwanda... I'm excited about seeing the movie!

- The Koonce's blog:
- I went to the doctor last week for malaria medicine and last minute instructions. This is what I left with.
Yes, this would be 7 different pages of instructions, telephone numbers, shots, medicine, etc. I was in the doctor's office for about an hour. And I get to go again this week! So much fun.

1 comment:

  1. yeah except we didnt get to see invictus! i blame dad for not wanting to pay 56 reais. lets jump on him today and pull his chest hairs. love ans.
