Thursday, December 17, 2009


Before we left the States, I sent out about 80 fundraising letters (not my favorite thing in the world to do). I figured I would put the letter here in case you didn't get one.

Since I was a small child I have felt a calling to Africa. Something in me has always wanted to go there and help in any way that I could. In the past several months, God has begun to work out the details of a possible mission trip to Africa.

A little over a year ago my parents had another baby. It was about the same time that I was graduating from high school. I really wanted to stay at home one more year and get to know my new little brother better instead of immediately going to college. After talking with some missionary friends of ours from another part of Brasil I also felt convicted to try to go to Africa before I left for college. One of these friends went to Nepal for 8 months before he entered college and he said it was the best thing he could have done.

My parents have some friends who are missionaries in Rwanda, Marty and Louise Koonce. They live in Kigali, the capitol city. They have invited me to come and help with their mission work next year. My plan is to go there and live with them in March and April. Then I will go back home to Brasil for a couple of months before I leave to start college at Abilene Christian University in the fall. Some of the things that I will be doing will vary from serving the orphans of the genocide, helping teach English classes and helping in new women’s ministries. I plan to major in nursing at ACU, so I also hope to be involved helping and observing medical professionals while in Rwanda.

I wanted to share this letter with you for two reasons: The first is to ask you to pray for me and this new ministry that God has opened in my life. I am very excited about it and would appreciate your prayers. The second reason is to let you know about my financial need. It will cost around $5,500 for everything. This will include roundtrip airfare, food, supplies as well as a possible safari at the end of my trip.

I understand that times are tough right now and I also understand if you aren’t able to help financially. One thing God has taught me in my 7+ years in Brasil is that if He wants me to go to Rwanda, He will provide a way. If He doesn’t want me to go I am completely okay with that as well. If you would like to learn a little bit more about where I am going and the ministry of the Koonce family and their team, you can go to or

I’ll be updating everyone about my trip to Africa through my blog: Thank you in advance for prayerfully considering this request.

If you're interested in helping, leave me a comment and I'll get in touch with you!


  1. Hey Bronwyn,

    I will send you some money mid January to very early February. Send me an e-mail ( and I'll tell you how much so that you can plan accordingly. One catch though. You have to keep up on your blogging. I check your families religiously and will now do the same to yours so you had better keep me interested!! ;)

    waiting for your email
    Michael Green
    Fighten Texas Aggie Class of 2010

  2. I agree with Michael - we need All Bronwyn Blogging, All The Time! I'm an old dude and really don't have much going on, except for Geezer Boy Bingo on Saturday nights, so keep this blog alive!

    Morgan Jones

  3. Hey, neice!! I want to help just let me know where to send the money.
    Love you and so very proud of you!!
    Aunt Melissa

  4. Hi, Bronwyn, Let us know where we can send some support, okay? We would love to be a part of what you will be doing there and what God will be doing in and through you!

    Mark and Diane Ellis

  5. We're so excited about this opportunity for you, Bronwyn! Send us some info so we can help. We're thankful for the heart you have for the people of Rwanda. ...traci & c.j. wilson
